
Melbourne 5-Day Lockdown

February 15, 2021

Hi All,

As you would all be aware by now, Victoria has been placed in lockdown for at least a 5 day period. That means that all ECHO activities will be suspended until such time as we’re permitted to resume. The following are affected:
- Monday 15 Feb Mens Summer hockey matches cancelled
- Tuesday 16 Feb Mens and Womens training at Koonung cancelled
- Wednesday 17 Feb Womens Summer hockey matches cancelled
At the moment the intention is for all of these activities to resume the following week, subject to Government restrictions.

Ben Hare
President ECHO Hockey Club

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We are always open to new players of all skill levels and experience. If you are interested in being a part of ECHO, we would love to hear from you.
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© 2023 Eastern Christian Hockey Organisation